The Impact - A Pihr podcast 

In this podcast, we bring together experts and thought leaders to discuss the latest issues and developments around pay equity and equal pay. Join us as we explore the important topics of equal pay and pay equity, and learn how to make progress in the fight for pay equality!

1. What can Sweden learn from other countries when it comes to equal pay? 

Sweden is highly praised for its commitment to gender equality and is ranked among the best in the world. However, there is still more work to be done to ensure full gender equality in Sweden. Other countries can provide important lessons to Sweden in terms of how to work towards gender equality. For example, Finland has made significant strides in closing the gender pay gap. By looking to these countries and understanding their successes, Sweden can continue to make progress towards full gender equality.

Guest: Anna König Järlemyr, Member of WEF & Former Major of Stockholm


2. How will the the EU pay transparency directive disrupt the salary setting culture?

The EU's Pay Transparency Directive requires employers to provide workers with clear information about their salaries, allowing them to compare and challenge pay structures. It also requires employers to report on the gender pay gap and aims to improve the transparency of the recruitment process. These measures should lead to more equitable pay and better informed job applicants. The full impact of the Directive will only be seen in time, but it will likely bring positive changes for both employers and employees.

Guest: Anna König Järlemyr, Member of WEF & Former Major of Stockholm


3. How do we create management buy-in for equal pay?

Many companies struggle with management buy-in for equal pay - but why is that? Ylva Ekoborn shares her insights on the underlying cultural, leadership, and belief systems that may be contributing to this persistent problem. Drawing from her extensive knowledge of organizational dynamics and trends, Ekoborn examines the complexity of the challenges and offers practical strategies for achieving true gender equity.

Guest: Ylva Ekborn, CEO at Postnord Strålfors


4. How you might prepare for the new EU pay transparancy directive

The EU pay transparency directive has been approved, and it will drastically alter how we set salaries and conduct business. Its aim is to finally achieve equal pay for men and women in the European Union. We will go through the different areas of the directive as well as the risks that it will bring for companies.

Update: The threshold for analyzing salary differences has been changed to 5%


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